Sunday 10 November 2013

Not another blog

Yep - sorry

I wanted a blog to keep up to date with a number of different things that I am doing.

I follow a number of other interesting blogs and I get a lot out of what I learn about specialist topics.

Having recently retired I am knee deep in a thousand different things all competing for my time and attention and I thought I would share some of the projects I am getting involved in.

Specifically I will be writing about:

  • What is happening at the boatyard I have in Paynesville, Victoria
  • Boats that I really like
  • The timber products that I sell at the yard
  • What woodworking, metalworking and engineering projects I am currently attempting
  • Some of the consulting projects I undertake in the Pacific region.
  • Ongoing issues with the old tools and machinery I seemed to be overly interested in.
  • Some of the completely useless projects and 'industrial artwork' that takes my fancy.

Feedback is always welcome and you are invited to follow me and share my stories and insights.

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